Law No. 2020-105
France signed into law – Law No. 2020-105 Regarding a Circular Economy and the Fight Against Waste. Sustainable Packaging.
The aim is to feature a low consumption of non-renewable resources, the reuse of waste as a resource, products that have a longer useful life, the recycling of 100% of plastics, and less wastefulness.
When countries around the world begin to promulgate environmental protection related laws, the choice of sustainable packaging(environmental protection) materials will become more and more important.
Implementation of Anti Waste and Circular Economy Law – Sustainable Packaging
The law provides under article 112 a ban for the use of mineral oils containing substances that disrupt the recycling of packaging waste or limit the use of recycled material because of the risks these substances present to human health. An order from the Minister responsible for the environment must specify the substances concerned.
The article 112 mentions that:
- From January 1, 2022, it is forbidden to use mineral oil on packaging. This probably means that mineral oil resulting from recycled papers is not concerned as this is not used “on” the packaging but it is “in” the packaging.
- From January 1, 2025, it is forbidden to use mineral oil for printing intended for general public. Forunsolicited advertising flyers and catalogues for commercial promotion, this ban shall apply fromJanuary 1, 2023.
- Applicable conditions of this article will be defined by decree. On December 29, 2020 France issued Décret n° 2020-1725 to specify various adaptation provisions relating to extended producer responsibility.
Kinghome Printing and Packaging always use “Soy Ink” to print.
Fight against plastic pollution: publication of the decree framing the ban on plastic packaging around fresh fruits and vegetables
As provided for by the law relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy of February 2020, known as the AGEC law, from next January 1, it will no longer be possible to sell unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables packaged in plastic, with a gradual ban for the most fragile cases.
While it is estimated that 37% of fruit and vegetables are now sold in packaging, this measure will eliminate more than a billion unnecessary plastic packaging each year.
Thirty fruits and vegetables sold without plastic packaging from 2022
From January 1, 2022, around thirty fresh unprocessed fruits and vegetables will be sold without plastic, including around fifteen vegetables: leeks, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes and carrots, round tomatoes, onions and turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, parsnips, radishes, Jerusalem artichokes, root vegetables.
On the fruit side, these include apples, pears, oranges, clementines, kiwis, mandarins, lemons, grapefruits, plums, melons, pineapples, mangoes, passion fruits, persimmons, etc. which will be on the shelves without plastic packaging from 2022.
About Kinghome
Founded in 1988,
Kinghome started in Taiwan with the mission of producing high quality prints and delivering outstanding packaging accessories. Our goal is to bring your ideas to life and make your brand vision to reality.